A Life Forever Changed
When An Vu joined an English Class, she had no idea it would change her life forever.
March 2025
ANGEL MORALES GONZALEZ grew up in Puebla, Mexico, without knowing about the Church. When he was 14, his dad joined the Church. Two years later, after being taught by several sets of missionaries, Morales was baptized too. “My life changed when I joined the Church,” he says. “I’m a better person now. The environment of the Church is one of learning and improvement. The Church is a great place to improve in every aspect of your life.”
Morales was called to serve in the Argentina Buenos Aires South Mission in 2019. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, he was reassigned to be a missionary in his home in Mexico for three months, after which he served in Chiapas, Mexico.
Unfortunately, while he was serving in Chiapas, tragedy struck. Morales’s father, the person who first taught him about the Church, passed away. His father’s death was very difficult for Morales. But because of this heartbreaking experience, he was able to testify more boldly about the gospel. “I had to believe in the plan of salvation,” he says. “My testimony was strengthened, but at the same time I had a lot of questions. But I started to say, ‘How can I take this experience to help others feel His love? I have faith about what is going to happen, but those I teach don’t know. I don’t want anyone to go through this kind of situation that I’m going through right now without the comfort and peace that the gospel can give us.’”
Throughout his mission, Morales was motivated to work hard and teach the gospel. He says, “My main motivation on the mission was knowing what it is like to not have the gospel in my life. . . . The missionaries who taught me were really consistent, and when I was on a mission I didn’t give up on people because those missionaries didn’t give up on me.”
Morales is now a full-time college student and loves how much a mission changed him. Reflecting on his mission, he says, “A mission has blessed every aspect of my life. Everything I have right now in my life is a consequence of serving my mission.”
Donations made to the General Missionary Fund truly change the lives of recipients—and the generations that follow. To those who donate, Morales says, “Thank you for trusting in the missionaries that they will do their best. . . . Thank you for doing it, because you’re helping a lot of people. You are helping more than just the missionary feel His love.”
When An Vu joined an English Class, she had no idea it would change her life forever.
Larson’s desire to serve a mission and her efforts to learn Spanish prepared her to serve
Adam Roberts loved his mission. “As a kid, I always wanted to serve a mission,” he says. “A few months before my mission, I started worrying about having to talk to strangers in a different language, and that was scary.” But instead of living in fear, he chose to live by faith.