I Am the Light That Ye Shall Hold Up
Dedication and hard work still left Naomi short of her goal, but with the help of others she is able to share the light.
January 2024
When An Vu joined an English class in Vietnam, she had no idea it would change her life forever.
Vu had never heard about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints until she was invited to attend an English class hosted by the missionaries. Vu says: “During one of the classes, one of the sister missionaries shared about the Atonement of Jesus Christ, and she started crying while testifying of the Savior. I kept wondering, ‘What is the Atonement of Jesus Christ, and what is happening?’ ” This experience made her want to learn more about the Savior, and she started meeting with the missionaries.
During this time, her grandma became sick and passed away. This made Vu wonder: What happens after we pass away? And do we still remember our loved ones in the next life? Those questions stayed with Vu until she learned more about the plan of salvation. She says, “When the Spirit testified of the truthfulness of the plan of salvation, I knew that I needed the gospel in my life.”
Shortly after joining the Church, she decided to serve a mission. Vu was very excited when she was called to the Vietnam Hanoi Mission. Just a few years earlier, Vu had been taking English classes from the missionaries. Now as a missionary, she was the one teaching the English classes.
“As a convert to the Church, I get to see things from both sides as a member and as a nonmember. I know that everything we do is in the hands of God. The gospel gives us more chances to be happy and to choose to be happy.”
— An Vu, Returned Missionary
Her mission taught her the importance of having a good relationship with the Lord. Vu says: “I think the most important thing I learned when I served my mission is to build a really good relationship with the Lord. Building the habits of communication allows me to really connect with Heavenly Father. I learned that I truly know who I am as a disciple of Jesus Christ and a daughter of God. This knowledge teaches me a lot about my potential. I am so grateful for what I have and the ability to serve a mission.”
Serving a mission is a life-changing experience, especially for Vu. She expresses gratitude for those who donate to the General Missionary Fund: “I am grateful for them because of their willingness to donate to a missionary like me. I know that every time they donate, they are already praying for and thinking about the missionaries. Thank you for supporting and building the Lord’s work. I just feel so grateful for them.”
Dedication and hard work still left Naomi short of her goal, but with the help of others she is able to share the light.
She couldn't wait to serve a mission so others could expereince the happiness the gospel brought her.
Larson’s desire to serve a mission and her efforts to learn Spanish prepared her to serve