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Make a Gift


Publicly traded securities are the most common form of noncash charitable gifts. You may find that securities are the most attractive assets to give, because they are often highly appreciated, easily transferred, and in most cases, easily valued for deduction purposes without the need for a formal appraisal. The most common forms of securities gifts are shares of stock, bonds, and shares of mutual funds.

The typical donor:

Gift features and benefits:

How Do I Make a Gift of Securities?

How you proceed depends on how your individual securities are held:

1) If the stock, bond, or mutual fund share is held in a brokerage account, you will need to work with your broker to complete the transaction. Gifts of securities held in a brokerage account can be made directly through the Church's Donations-in-Kind office. This office will work directly with your broker to correctly complete your gift. If you have any questions or would like to make a donation of stock, please contact, or have your broker contact the Donations-in-Kind Office of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints at 801-240-2554 or by email.

2) If you hold the securities in your possession in certificate form, they may be sent directly to the Church's Donations-in-Kind office at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 50 E North Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150. It is important that you send the certificate under separate cover from the stock power. The stock power must have a medallion signature guarantee, which you can obtain from your bank. Contact the donations office at 801-240-2554 or or by email for more information.  

How Do I Make a Gift of Securities Using Gift-Planning Tools?

Securities can also be used to fund life-income gifts such as a Charitable Remainder UnitrustCharitable Remainder Annuity Trust, or Charitable Gift Annuity. In larger estates, securities are an ideal asset to fund a Charitable Lead Trust. A gift bequest made through a Revocable Trust or Will provides another alternative in making a gift of securities to the Church or one of its institutions.

Gifts of Closely-held Business Interests

Donations of closely-held (or privately-held) business interests are accepted on a case-by-case basis. Please contact Gift Planning Services at Philanthropies for more information (by phone (877-650-5377) or email). A donation packet for closely-held business interests is available here.

Contact Us

For a detailed discussion of the services we provide you and your advisors, please contact us at 1-877-650-5377 or by email.