Pablo’s Expanding Possibilities
A strong prompting led Pablo to leave his home in Argentina to study entrepreneurship at LDS Business College. His decision to obey that prompting brought challenges, but also opened new opportunities to grow.
November 2016
Nearly 18 years ago Francisco Gonzalez Gomez and his family were the answer to two missionaries’ prayers. “There was an open house for the new Bogotá Colombia Temple,” says Francisco. “It wasn’t too far from our home, so my family and I decided to attend. We left our names at the visitor’s center, and two elders came to our home the next day. Soon after that we were baptized.”
Francisco went on to serve a mission in Ecuador. After two years of preaching the restored gospel, he knew his next step was to further his education. “Where I come from, having an education makes you have more opportunities to succeed in life and having more opportunities to find a job.”
As Francisco considered his options for higher education, he decided to apply to LDS Business College instead of a four-year university so he could graduate with career-sustaining skills faster and for less money.
Francisco says that one of the things that makes LDS Business College unique is the environment. “I really liked learning about the gospel while studying for my degree,” says Francisco. “LDSBC has students from all over the world, but we unite with our belief in the gospel. We start classes with prayer and invite the Spirit to join us and support our desires to grow in our understanding. The spiritual environment strengthened me and helped me as I prepared myself to learn and do.”
Francisco says he is grateful for donor-funded scholarships that allowed him to focus on his studies and keep his student debt low. “It is very humbling to know that someone who doesn’t know me cares enough about me to invest in my future,” he says. “If someone is giving me this gift, I want to get good grades, make good choices, and live a life they would be proud to know they helped create.”
Francisco recently graduated with an associate’s degree in business management and now works for a local credit union, where he puts his bilingual skills to work for his customers. Francisco says he feels blessed that donor-funded scholarships facilitated his education. “I was praying that I could finish my degree and find a job and become self-reliant. I would not have the job I have now without the generosity of donors. I am so grateful for the blessings and opportunities their gifts have afforded me.”
In addition to launching Francisco’s career, LDS Business College launched his family. “I met my wife at LDSBC,” Francisco says, and now the education he gained there has a broader purpose. “I can now support my family. I have a great career and the drive to move forward and become even more self-reliant as our family grows. I am able to fulfill my goals because someone decided to follow in the Savior’s footsteps and love me as Christ loves me.”
A strong prompting led Pablo to leave his home in Argentina to study entrepreneurship at LDS Business College. His decision to obey that prompting brought challenges, but also opened new opportunities to grow.
Sarah’s move from her home country of Brazil to LDS Business College posed several challenges, but she witnessed miracles through the help of family, donors, and her faith in God.
A recipient of a single-parent scholarship, Stephanie says, "Knowing that strangers care enough about me to invest in my future—in my success—gives me the drive and the confidence to do my best. I want to prove through my hard work, study habits, and grades that I am worth the investment that others have made in me and my family.”