Giving Back One Step at a Time
“Let’s be good stewards of the resources that the Lord has trusted us with.”
February 2023
Scott and Pam Newman are no strangers to Ensign College. The Salt Lake City locals know the school better than most after Scott taught at the college for 14 years. Because of their experiences with the college, the Newmans encourage all who are interested to “attend a devotional, visit a class, observe the students, and see why it has such an important role in the Church Educational System. Ensign College is a jewel in the Church Educational System.”
Now retired, Scott taught various topics at multiple universities following his corporate career. Though he enjoyed teaching subjects like sales, marketing, economics, finance, and business management, he enjoyed his time at Ensign College the most because of what he could bring into his lessons.
He says, “I loved that every class starts with prayer. When I taught leadership, I could bring the examples and teachings of Joseph Smith and Captain Moroni into our lessons. I was amazed that I would go from laughing with the students to crying with them because the Spirit was so strong.”
In addition, Scott witnessed the effects the college has on students of every kind. “Ensign College adds a spice of life into their classes,” says Scott. “We had different ages, nationalities, and cultures in the classroom, but we were all woven together with the gospel.”
Pam adds, “Scott would come home from class with a different frame of mind than he had that morning. When I visited his classes and attended student events, I really got to see what he sees. I would hear about these students, meet them in person, and be touched by how grateful they were for their education. They are committed to making their education work for them in their life after school.”
The Newmans love seeing how Ensign College prepares students for their careers. Scott says, “I have seen students blossom in class, go on to something else after college, and then call me later and tell of their successes, such as working for a Fortune 500 company or going on to receive an MBA.” He adds, “I am grateful that the Lord has spoken to the brethren about keeping this institution alive because there is a niche of people who could not be served as well anywhere else.”
When it came time for Scott to retire, the Newmans were interested in continuing to do what they could for the students at Ensign College. They set up a scholarship honoring Scott’s parents, both of whom were educators as well. Since then, the Newmans have also joined the Fox Society, and they hope to set up a perpetual fund so that there will always be something for students.
Pam says, “Anytime you give service, you get back more than you give. We continue to feel that helping students improve their future prospects is valuable, and it’s important to help them see what they can do with an education. If there’s anyone who helped you get to where you are, pass it on and help those who are coming up behind you.
“Let’s be good stewards of the resources that the Lord has trusted us with.”
The Millard Family’s shows how to incorporate giving into your life no matter where you are in life.
Kerry and Cynthia Belnap love being members of the Fox Society. Kerry was introduced to the society during the 28 years he worked in the Philanthropies Department of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. As Kerry and Cynthia met and interacted with donors, students, and professors as a part of Kerry’s job, they both felt drawn to participating in the society.