Ensign College Pathway Scholarship
A Presidential Response
At the inauguration for new Ensign College President Bruce C. Kusch, President Dieter F. Uchtdorf stated the following: “The worldwide Church has grown to a vast family of more than 16 million members. Many of our young people would love to come and study at one of our places of higher education. Unfortunately, we cannot accommodate all of them. Each year this challenge grows and becomes more acute. We teach our Church membership the importance of education in their lives. Helping our members to live up to these instructions from the Lord is a challenge which constantly demands our attention, and one for which we do not have an adequate answer yet. We recognize that today’s challenges cannot be solved with yesterday’s tools. We are very grateful for the inspiring innovations we have seen in past years like the Pathway program, online learning, and other options. All these efforts point in the right direction.”

At the same event, President Kusch responded, “I was privileged to witness the very beginnings of the Pathway program, now numbering in the hundreds of sites around the globe, blessing and improving the lives of individuals and families, and strengthening the Church.
Come to our campus any Thursday evening and you will observe many Pathway Connect students attending Institute and meeting with their cohorts. As these students complete initial coursework, we may be the ideal option for those seeking additional education. Our collaborative efforts will provide domestic Pathway students a seamless transition to Ensign College and on to BYU-Idaho online, while several of our certificates will be included in online offerings to students globally. I am confident this is only the beginning and would simply say to President Gilbert, “we are ready,” and committed to do our part.”
Ensign College Pathway Scholarship
The Ensign College Pathway Scholarship provides a seamless transition from Pathway Connect to Ensign College and then to BYU-Idaho online. It allows students who complete Pathway Connect within the United States to continue their education for the same per credit cost. Pathway Connect students currently pay $69 per credit, and while on this scholarship, will continue to pay this same price at Ensign College. If a Pathway Connect graduate enrolls and takes classes at Ensign College on this scholarship, tuition will cost 44% less.
Pathway students who attend and complete studies at Ensign College will then be able to enroll as BYU-Idaho online students, again continuing to pay the same tuition rate. Donate now to support this scholarship and bless student’s lives for generations to come.