Surprised, Inspired, and Immersed
The first time I toured the Beehive House, one room took my breath away. That room, like many other blessings from God, surprised me and then inspired me.
January 2024
The Church History Department was recently able to examine and confirm the authenticity of Hyrum Smith’s handwritten copy of Doctrine and Covenants 11 after it was donated and presented to President M. Russell Ballard, a great-great-grandson to Hyrum. This section of the Doctrine and Covenants was written by and revealed to Hyrum, given through the Prophet Joseph Smith at Harmony, Pennsylvania, in May 1829.
The section begins with “A great and marvelous work is about to come forth” and sheds light on this period in Church history, when the Restoration was just beginning and there were only a few believers. This document also shows the significance of Hyrum’s role in Church history, and this specific revelation continues to be a source for growing personal faith among many members.
Through the help of donors, the Church General Fund can preserve artifacts like this nearly-200-year-old document, which is now kept with other sacred records in the Church archives.
The first time I toured the Beehive House, one room took my breath away. That room, like many other blessings from God, surprised me and then inspired me.
People have found meaning and spiritual connection at the Church’s historic sites. Whether in person or through technology, they can draw nearer to heaven and feel the unifying power. You can help others feel the same connection.
The Kirtland Temple, along with significant documents, artifacts, and historic buildings in Nauvoo, Illinois, are now owned by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and offer insights into the Restoration