Following a Prompting

August 2021

Melissa Baird and her family

For Melissa Baird of Utah, after getting married and having four kids, going back to school always seemed like it would have to wait. She’d planned to complete her education when her youngest was in school full-time, but the Lord had other plans. While listening to a general conference talk, she received a prompting. “Suddenly the words ‘It’s time to go back to school’ entered my mind out of nowhere. It was undeniable. I was not excited about going back to school right then, but I believe in listening to and obeying the Lord.”

Over the next six months, Baird researched many different schools, and even though she had heard about BYU-Pathway Worldwide, she wasn’t interested. “They didn’t have an English degree, and that was what I wanted to study.” But, again, the Lord had other plans. “BYU-Pathway ads kept showing up in social media, in Church announcements, and basically everywhere I looked. I tried to ignore it, but then another ad sharing someone’s experience appeared. I read it and received another prompting that this was the direction I should go and immediately enrolled and began my education not knowing what degree to pursue.”

Baird recently received her first certificate in social media marketing and will soon begin the applied communications degree, given in partnership with Ensign College. As Baird moves forward, she believes the Lord will be by her side. “I would not have begun this journey without nudging from the Lord. I was very nervous after being away from school for 16 years. I’ve been pulled in many directions being a busy wife and mom, fulfilling Church callings, and now adding the stress of being a student. The Savior has been there the whole time, helping balance and accomplish all that is required of me.”

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