Taking the Leap
Reagan followed promptings from the Holy Ghost that led her to attend BYU-Idaho. “I was nervous to come to such a small town, but the size of Rexburg is like its superpower.”
May 2024
Trinity Winert, from Indian Land, South Carolina, graduated with her associate’s degree in biology and is currently working on completing her prerequisites to apply for the nursing program at BYU-Idaho.
“I was a part of the dual-enrollment program in high school to be able to graduate with my associate’s, and some of the classes I was taking were at a local college,” Winert says. “When I came to BYU-Idaho, I was grateful for how welcoming the campus and people were. I’ve really enjoyed having the Church integrated with my education. It gives me different ways to look at teachings of the Church and how we can seamlessly apply principles of the gospel into what we are learning.”
While in Rexburg, Winert worked as a head baker. Now back in South Carolina, she is taking online courses and working at a law firm. Commenting on her wide range of experience, Winert says, “I love applying myself in various fields to develop lots of different skills and talents. My ultimate goal is to be a pediatric nurse. I love children and I enjoy working and spending time with them. After I finish my prerequisites, I’ll be applying to the nursing program at BYU-Idaho.”
Winert relishes the opportunities that BYU-Idaho provides for her to try out various career prospects, and she is thankful for the connections she has made with friends and professors “BYU-Idaho is so good at investing in their students,” she says. “I love all of my professors. They are very approachable and talkative. They make an effort to get to know me individually, and I look up to many of them.”
She adds, “I hope to be able to pay it forward one day. I’ve learned that if you put yourself out there, you’ll get back what you put out a hundredfold.”
Reagan followed promptings from the Holy Ghost that led her to attend BYU-Idaho. “I was nervous to come to such a small town, but the size of Rexburg is like its superpower.”
It isn’t easy for Ashlyn Brinkman to get around campus, but she’s grateful for BYU-Idaho and for donated funds that make her college expenses a little less burdensome.
A mission and a mix-up on a student loan application left Rachel Oickle in a tough financial spot, but university aid from generous donors helped her keep up her studies.