The Road To Leadership: Uli From Tonga
Uli, a BYU-Hawaii art student and sculptor from Tonga, says his school experience and Church callings in Laie helped him develop leadership skills that will bless him and his family.
February 2016
At his inauguration, President John S. Tanner spoke powerfully on the inspired mission and purpose of BYU-Hawaii. “I envision a university that is a house of learning and a house of light . . . . I see a university that is intended to be not only ‘a school in Zion’ (D&C 97:3) but a Zion university - a place where people from many nations learn together in purity, peace, unity, and love. May this school savor so strongly and so sweetly of Zion that it creates an appetite in its graduates to build Zion everywhere. . . . [The students] will be light bearers, leaders, builders, and peacemakers.”
Use this link for a copy of the full transcript of President Tanner's speech.
Uli, a BYU-Hawaii art student and sculptor from Tonga, says his school experience and Church callings in Laie helped him develop leadership skills that will bless him and his family.
Raife Cambell's mission launched him into new patterns of life and learning, and launched a desire for additional education. This led him to BYU Hawaii, where he built upon the tools he had gained serving the Lord. He also met his wife. He credits donors with blessing his life. Discover how you can become a blessing in the lives of students like Raife.
Raife, a BYU–Hawaii student from Australia, strives to stretch himself and achieve his potential through opportunities to develop communication, relationship-building, and leadership skills.