The Road To Leadership: Uli From Tonga
Uli, a BYU-Hawaii art student and sculptor from Tonga, says his school experience and Church callings in Laie helped him develop leadership skills that will bless him and his family.
January 2015
Hailing from Australia, Raife Campbell came to BYU-Hawaii unsure of how an education at a Church school would change his life, but in Hawaii he discovered unknown skills and honed traits he had learned on his mission to Samoa. See how his view of his potential expanded as a BYU-Hawaii student.
Make a GiftUli, a BYU-Hawaii art student and sculptor from Tonga, says his school experience and Church callings in Laie helped him develop leadership skills that will bless him and his family.
Jone, a BYU–Hawaii student from Fiji, speaks of how the Lord took care of his family after his father passed away. He has learned peace building and made friends from around the world at BYU–Hawaii.
At his inauguration, President John S. Tanner spoke powerfully on the inspired mission and purpose of BYU-Hawaii.